Naina Sandhir
2 min readMay 12, 2021


3 Funny AF Scenarios in Indian Households

Desi peeps in the house, gimme a shout! If you are desi and you know it throw your hands (or wet towels maybe) up in the air! :P

  1. The simultaneous co-existence of item songs and bhajans: This one played out quite recently. I was engrossed in my daily morning ritual of sweeping and swabbing, when something ridiculous reached my eardrums. Yes people, it was Sheila proclaiming her sexual self-sufficiency and her seemingly uncontrollable “chadti jawani" on TV while a devout bhajan complete with temple bells played out on full volume on someone’s phone 😂. I tell you if you listened carefully, you could vouch that these two were meant to be played together!
  2. Your mother singing jalebi bai whilst she conjures up “tinde ki subzi", cz hey that’s all you got in summers (bhindi, lauki, tinde and their different permutations and combinations). You gotta take your pick! I tell ya its tough to stomach tinde ki subzi while you hear Afghan jalebi and the likes of it. Zomato, please save my hungry ass ( cries internally, cz Covid screwed your eating-out plans 😂!)
  3. Slip of the “tang" ( Punjabi peeps, let me know if you get the pun :p) on freshly mopped floors and then get roasted for hours by the person who is understandably furious about the ass-print on the floor when the water dries, cz hey your useless ass never really mattered!

Jokes apart, I wouldn’t picture myself in any other scenario, cz home sweet home! (Alexa play, apne toh apne hote hain). Got more fun instances to share? Drop a hint, in the comments box below! Much love amigos 😘.



Naina Sandhir

A maverick wordsmith with an almost endearing tendency towards prolixity of writing and scarcity of speech. #MilennialRumi